Kids Say the darndest Things

       Mom. “Mila’s Rant about Preschool.” Yahoo, 20 Apr. 2018, 736bd31dd2a8.format_jpeg.inline_yes.jpg.

I always joke about making a whole blog about the crazy things my 3-year-old group says on a daily basis. I think after today’s conversation it would be wrong not to share with the world these hilarious moments of my life “pre-momming.” Everybody knows that kids are hilarious, so today I’ll be posting a few of my gym kids funniest conversations in no chronological order. I will be keeping their names anonymous for safety reasons. I will use the first letters of their name and the first letter of my name “E” for my response. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show!

E: “I went to class and slept. What did you do today?”

X: “Wow Ms. Erika. What do you even do with your life?”

E: “Did you finally get to see your new baby this weekend?”

L: “Yeah, her looked like a piece of bread.”

E: “A piece of bread??”

L: “Uh huh shes a preemie baby so her looked like bread.”

E: “A Where are your pants!?”

A: “Oh, um sorry.” (puts pants back on)

E: ” Okay M so this time we’re going to do FIVE rolls in a row with our legs together okay?”

M “UGH! You’re stressing me out!!! I just want to sit here okay Ms. Erika?”

E: “Well my bad princess…”

M: “My mommy says I am a QUWEEEEEN!”

E: “Are you ready to try a straddle roll?”

A: “Awh he** nahhhhh.”

E: “It smells.”

A: “Yeah cause I farted real bad.”

A: “You should smell my dad’s farts, they might kill you.”